Rights and legislation

Inclusion law in Brazil

The Brazilian Inclusion Law (Law nº 13,146/2015) ensures that people with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, have an accessible education. Although dyslexia is not considered a disability, this law guarantees adaptations in schools to better serve students with this condition.

Federal Decree No. 7,611/2011

In addition, Federal Decree No. 7,611/2011 reinforces the obligation to offer adequate support, which may include specialized professionals, adapted teaching materials, and the right to differentiated assessments. Some schools adopt practices such as extending the time for tests, the possibility of oral assessment, and even the use of assistive technologies, such as text reading software.

International Protection for Students with Dyslexia

In the international context, many countries also adopt protection and support laws for students with dyslexia. In the United States, for example, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures access to an individualized education plan for students with dyslexia and other learning disorders.

Right to Inclusive Education

These legislations are vital to ensure that students with dyslexia have access to the same educational opportunities and can fully develop their skills and talents.